Mission, Vision, Values
Our Mission
Our mission is to liberate mind and heart through teen-centered transformative mindfulness education.
Our Vision
Our vision is to reverse the teen mental health crisis so the next generation of adults can thrive.
Our Values
Our work is rooted in being, not simply doing. Presence is our very being. Through mindfulness, we practice coming back to the present moment. As our attention returns to the moment, the door to experiencing who we are authentically opens. It’s not that we become present; it’s that we recognize ourselves as presence. We value embodying this experience of presence in our classrooms, our workplace, our lives. Valuing presence means using everything as an opportunity to liberate our mind and heart. Through our individual and collective mindfulness practice, we transform our inner and outer world.
Equity & Racial Justice
We believe wellbeing is a human right, which is why we center equity and racial justice in all aspects of our work: our systems, policies, curricula, and interactions. We strive to lead explicitly, but not exclusively, with race because racial inequities are woven into every system (health, education, criminal justice, etc.) without exception. Racism operates at individual, institutional, and structural levels, unless otherwise countered.
Leading with race ensures that we take an intersectional approach as we address the root causes of inequity and injustice in the workplace, the classroom, and our community at large.
We are open minded, collaborative, and flexible. We embrace possibility, opportunity, and change. We listen to life and strive to respond, rather than react. We adjust to changing conditions to better achieve our mission and vision.
We understand that we are interconnected – that our success, our freedom and our wellbeing are tied together. We hold each other as whole and complex human beings. We nurture the bonds among our community – our team, students, parents and school partners. By working with and centering young people, we aim to affect whole adult lives.
We meet ourselves and each other with compassion. We practice empathy and make space for the pain and grief we experience in our lives and the world. Through compassion we know that anything we experience can be met with tenderness.
We uplift playfulness and joy in our work. We give ourselves permission to have full, whole and joyful lives in and out of the workplace. We support each other in noticing and nurturing joy.

Give with the heart!
A donation to Peace in Schools today is an investment in teen wellbeing. Support our work so the next generation of adults can thrive!