
Weekly Pause
Join us in taking a Weekly Pause with this free weekly meditation led by Peace in Schools Executive Director, Janice Martellucci. Whether you’re brand new to mindfulness or have been a lifelong practitioner, we are excited to offer a consistent, accessible way to nourish your mindfulness practice. Sign up once, drop in anytime.

Lion Mind: An Experiential Evening with Peace in Schools
Join us for an experiential demonstration of our high school Mindful Studies class, followed by an intimate Q+A with Peace in Schools Teens and Teachers. Snacks & NA drinks will be provided.

The Heart of Teaching
If you are an educator or youth-serving professional, we invite you to join us for an interactive workshop where we’ll reflect on our experience in the classroom and practice mindfulness in a community of care.

Love & Courage: Free Meditation & Discussion
On March 4th, join Peace in Schools Executive Director for a free, hour long meditation and discussion to water the seeds of love in community.

Mindfulness and Implicit Bias
We can’t let go of what we can’t see and too often, our unconscious beliefs contribute to behavior that directly impacts our students. What shifts when we can see clearly with compassion and open our hearts and minds to one another?
If you are an educator or youth-serving professional, we invite you to join us for an interactive workshop where we’ll reflect on our conditioning and practice mindfulness in a community of care.

Open House with Executive Director, Janice Martellucci (December 5 at 4pmPT)
Join Executive Director Janice Martellucci on December 5, 4-5pm PT/7-8pm ET for an inspiring virtual tour of Peace in Schools’ ground-breaking programs. Bring your questions about the future of mindfulness education and explore how you can be part of the movement to bring these life-changing practices to more teens.

Sept 11th Mindful Studies Partnership Program Info Session
Join us to learn how to bring the for-credit, research-backed Peace in Schools Mindful Studies™ course to your high school.

Connection Over Control
This interactive workshop will offer and opportunity reflect on our experience in the classroom and communities, and practice connecting relationally with students and centering relationships.

Virtual Open House
Join Executive Director, Janice Martellucci to learn more and ask questions about our Mindful Studies Partnership Program, Visionary Investors Circle, continued direct service to teens in Portland, Oregon, and more!

Meditation for a New Year
Tuesday, January 9th
12:30pm-1:30pm PST / 3:30pm-4:30pm EST
Online via Zoom
Join us for a virtual, hour-long New Year meditation and discussion, facilitated by Peace in Schools Executive Director, Janice Martellucci. Let's consciously welcome 2024 and begin anew together!

Pain & Peace - A Meditation for Our Shared Humanity
Online via Zoom
Tuesday, November 21st
12:30-1:30pm PST / 3:30-4:30pm EST
Join us in co-creating a space for community members to be with the pain of the world and to meet heartbreak with tenderness and presence.

Meditation for Deep Rest
Online via Zoom
Tuesday, October 24th
12:30-1:30pm PST / 3:30-4:30pm EST
Join our community from the comfort of your own space as we guide you through an extended deep relaxation body scan to nourish our bodies and minds.

Finding Refuge in Chaos
Online via Zoom
Tuesday, August 29th
12:30-1:30pm PST / 3:30-4:30pm EST
Join Peace in Schools Executive Director, Janice Martellucci, for a free hour long meditation and discussion where we will practice finding a place of refuge within.

Teen Mental Health Forum
Teen Mental Health Forum
Tuesday, May 30th
4-5pm PST / 7-8pm EST
Online via Zoom
Join Peace in Schools for a meaningful, teen-centered conversation about mental health. What’s it really like being a teen today? What do high schools need to support teen mental health? Why does mindfulness matter to teens? Hear from experts in the field of mindfulness, education and teen mental health - starting with teens themselves! There will be a chance for mindfulness practice and Q&A. Come learn with us - we need your help to further the movement for teen mental health!

What’s Joy Got to Do With It?
Online via Zoom
Tuesday, April 25th
12:30-1:30pm PST / 3:30-4:30pm EST
Join Peace in Schools Executive Director, Janice Martellucci, for a special free community meditation exploring how you can notice and infuse joy into your mindfulness practice.

Nourishing a Sense of Wonder
Online via Zoom
Tuesday, February 21st
12:30pm-1:30pm PST / 3:30pm-4:30pm EST
Join us for a free online community meditation with Peace in Schools Executive Director, Janice Martellucci.
What is it like to take on a conscious practice to nourish a sense of awe and wonder? Reverence - which we define as “a deep respect tinged with awe” - is a central tenant in our Mindful Studies classroom. Discover the simple yet life-transforming practice of reverence.

Meditation for Settling the Heart
Tuesday, December 20th , 12-1pm PST / 3-4pm EST
Online via Zoom
We hope this season fills all of our hearts with comfort and joy, but we know that this time of year can also bring a number of complex feelings, such as stress, grief, or overwhelm.
With this in mind, we are extending our regular Weekly Pause to a Meditation for Settling the Heart. This will be a space to practice mindfulness in community for a full hour, take a breath in the midst of this frenetic time of year, and acknowledge, without judgment, the many feelings and emotions that can swirl inside of us this season.